Ballina Family Photographer ~ CUPCAKES WITH CHRIS

November 12, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

So I've known fellow photographer Rebecca for a few years now. She asked if I could get some photos of her family as her mum hasn't been well lately. For various reasons, the middle of the day was our go time; at the beach, in full sun. Bek knew it wasn't ideal light, but this was about getting the photos, some moments, some laughs and spending time together. That is the sort of thing you do in any and all light cos it's important. So I tagged along for cupcakes, a catch-up and with cameras. And what I want to make very clear is, don't wait for the perfect time to get photos with the ones you love. Just get them. Often. In spite of the few kilos you've put on, or the zit on your chin, or the kids complaining about it, or your bad haircut, or your brother who always pulls faces. Just get them. Often.

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